More Covid-19 Updates

Covid -19 Business updates
As part of our regular series of updates, we have enclosed a number of links to assist our business clients with some policy changes of which you should all be made aware.
1. Superannuation Amnesty
Some time ago the Government announced an amnesty for employers that may not have paid their employee’ s superannuation entitlements.

The deadline ends on September 7 and covers unpaid superannuation from any quarter between 1 July 1992 and 31 March 2018.

2. JobKeeper changes.
As part of the Government’s announced changes to JobKeeper the date of eligible employees have changed.

Previously the scheme only encompassed Full time, permanent part time employees, or casual employees who had been engaged with the one employer for 12 months or more who were employed as at 1 March 2020.

This date has now been changed to encompass employees who were employed as at 1 July 2020.

Although this is quite a change as it encompasses new employees, there are some compliance issues that need to be addressed quite soon.

3. NSW Government Grants
For our NSW clients the Government has announced some further grants of between $500 and $3000. This is in addition to the original grants announced back in April.

4. Victorian Government Land tax relief and Renter Protection
As a consequence of the extended lockdown in Victoria (especially in metro Melbourne) the Government has decided to extend the rental eviction prohibition until 31 December 2020.
In addition it has also provided some support to landlords in the form of financial assistance and further Land Tax relief.

For all these changes and more, we stand ready to assist our clients in navigating their way through these and all changes.