NSW Lockdown Therapy

To our clients and friends in NSW and indeed around the country, we wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you at this time.

From experience, and in Victoria we have a lot of it, lock downs can be a very challenging time for all.

So we are sending you a big and letting you know we are still open – maybe not for you to drop by and say hello in Sydney, but by phone and email.

We also thought we’d provide you with some inspiration to pass the time as well

Movies or shows to watch …
  • The Inside Job

  • Ozark

  • The Shawshank Redemption

  • The Accountant

Great books to read …
  • Accounting for Dummies

  • Financial reporting Handbook 2021

  • The Master Tax Guide

  • An Introduction to Accounting

Other important things you’ll need to survive lockdown …
  • Lots of T paper – apparently you’re going to need a years supply to cover your time at home

  • Rice and pasta – it seems you’re about to eat a years’ worth in two weeks

  • Fruit & Vegetables – to decorate your house with

  • An Air Fryer – just because it’s so trendy now

  • A 90’ TV even though it wont fit through the front door

  • A 5000 piece puzzle, preferably in 3D

  • A really good internet connection

Best to all of you, The team at Lowensteins