JobKeeper Updates
Over the past few days, there have been some more ATO releases around issues of timing, eligibility and other practical problems revolving around the JobKeeper program.
JobKeeper Deadlines
Enrol by 31 May for April and May JobKeeper payments.
This is an important shout out to all our employer clients to be aware that the absolute cut off to enrol is Sunday 31 May 2020 if you intend to claim for the April and May JobKeeper fortnights. Please also bear in mind the eligibility requirements and key dates including paying your employees by the appropriate date for each fortnight.
It is important to note that even if you haven’t experienced the downturn (refer eligibility criteria) in these March, April, May months but expect to experience this in future months, (between June and September), you still need to complete Step 1 Enrolment by the 31 May.
Here is a concise guide to the various key dates:
And this is a guide for employers paying through STP.—employers-reporting-through-STP/
Please also be aware that the JobKeeper fortnight ends on the 24 May. Please ensure that all your employees are paid on or before that date. Please refer to the above Key Dates link.
Sole Traders
The same dates for deadlines apply whether you are a sole trader or an employer- see above
Here is a concise link for our many sole trader clients:—sole-traders/