Victorian Government Lockdown 6.0 Assistance packages

The Victorian Government has announced a new $400 million package, jointly funded by the Commonwealth Government.
Five key elements make up the support package:

  • More than 90,000 businesses will be automatically paid a Business Costs Assistance Program Round Three grant of $2,800.

  • New payments of $5,000 to $20,000 will be made to more than 8,900 hospitality venues that received support through the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund through the May/June and July lockdowns. Payments will be automatic and graded by venue capacity.

  • Alpine businesses will receive between $5,000 and $20,000 under an extension of the Alpine Resort Winter Support Program.

  • An additional $54 million will be added to the Small Business COVID Hardship Fund announced last week.

  • Eligible businesses that do not qualify for Victorian Government support programs because they are not registered for GST will be eligible for the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 Disaster Payment.

For more details visit this page
Applications open Friday 13 August 2021.