NSW Details for JobSaver

The NSW Government have released their guidelines for Job Saver

Please find the attachment :


Interesting to note:
  • The qualification period is from the 26th June 2019 to 30th July 2019 with the comparative period in 2021

  • The support payment is 40% of the payroll with a minimum of $1,500 up to a maximum of $10,000
  • It is available to sole traders

  • An employer company can receive Job Saver AND the employee can receive the Federal Government COVID disaster payment at the same time

  • The concept revolves more around retaining the employee “head count” rather than work hours

  • The reporting is initially tied to the March 2021 BAS and more specifically the payroll payment reported at W1 LESS the amount of contractor wages included (if any).

  • Payments subject to withholding tax in W1 includes allowances, leave loading, director fees and termination payments but does not include payments such as superannuation contributions, amount subject to salary sacrifice, interest or dividends

  • Non-employing businesses, ie sole traders, are not eligible for the Job Saver payment if individuals associated with and deriving income from the business have received a Commonwealth COVID-19 Disaster Payment since 18 July 2021