ATO Guidance for Employers

The ATO has further clarified the process of how you (employer) can enrol and apply for the JobKeeper payments.

Sole –Traders and Self-Employed

The ATO will shortly release information on how to apply but we believe that you can apply as an employer but we will advise as we get more clarification.


There will be a ‘JobKeeper enrolment’ form available on the online services (I.e. on the tax agent portal and the Business portal) under ‘Report and Forms’ section.
This form will be available only after 20th April 2020 and we believe it will extend to Sole-Traders and Self-employed.
You or your accountant will need to fill in this form.
In the meantime, you will need your employees to fill in the attached ‘ JobKeeper Employee Nomination’ form whereby they (employees) nominate you as their primary employer.
For employers who are not enrolled on STP will be able to report their employees salary manually on the tax agent portal and business agent portal.
For further details see links below;


For employees there is information available on the link below;